陳啟昌(Chii-Chang Chen)

E-MAIL: trich@dop.ncu.edu.tw

Office Kuo-Din Photonic Building, Room 513(國鼎光電大樓513室)
Office TEL:
ext 65257


Lab Kuo-Din Photonic Building, Room 211(國鼎光電大樓211室)

Lab TEL:  03-4227151ext 65278







4.光纖通訊用之被動元件,包括:SOI-based 之AWG,beamsplitters,VOA,Couplers之設計與製作, LiNbO3 E-O modulators






Chii-Chang Chen received B.S. degree in Department of Electrical Engineering of Tamkang University in 1991. After two-year experience of teaching assistant in Tamkang University, he studied French for one year in Université Bordeaux III and DEA d’électronique for one year in Université Bordeaux I in France. His research topic in this period was to design a BiCMOS circuit for studying the signals transmitting between neurons of lobsters. He received his Ph. D. degree in Sciences for Engineer from Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, France) in 1998. His dissertation work dealt with modification of polarization-independent modulators in LiNbO3 by laser ablation. In 1998, he worked in Laboratoire d'Optique P.M. Duffieux of Besancon to study high-speed LiNbO3 modulators. In 1999, he became a post-doctoral fellow in National Central University (NCU, Taiwan) to study GaN materials. From 2002, he joined Institute of Optical Sciences of National Central University as an assistant professor (Taiwan). Since 2005, he became an associate professor in IOS-NCU. Since 2009, he became a professor. He became a distinguished professor of NCU since 2010. He joined Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena(Germany) as a visiting researcher in 2005 for 3 months and in 2007 for half month. He joined Université Paris 13 (France) as a visiting researcher in 2006, 2007, 2011, 2018 and 2019 for 1 month, respectively. He joined University of Central Florida as a visiting researcher in 2012. He joined Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Mexico in 2016 as a visiting researcher in 2016. He joined the editorial board of Scientific Reports since 2017.  He received the NSC Wu Ta-You memorial award in 2006. In 2008, he received Ritek young optical engineering award from Taiwan Optical Engineering Society. In 2021, he received the Future Tech Award from Minister of Science and Technology of Taiwan. With the guitarist Da-Jen Jou, they received the third ensemble prize of the guitar competition from Taiwan Guitar Society in 2021. His current research interests are all-optical artificial intelligence computer, photonic crystals, nano-optics, passive components for WDM fiber-optic communications and acoustics of musical instruments.


Journal papers (*: corresponding author):

[1]     C. C. Chen, H. Porte*, A. Carenco, J.-P. Goedgebuer and V. Armbruster, "Phase correction by laser ablation of a polarization independent LiNbO3 Mach-Zehnder modulator", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 1361-1363, 1997.

[2]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Hui-Wen Chuang, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, and Jen-Inn Chyi, "Stimulated emission study of high indium content InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 77, pp. 3758-3760, 2000.

[3]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Kun-Long Hsieh, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, and Jen-Inn Chyi, Chin-An Chang" Effect of thermal annealing on high indium content InGaN/GaN single quantum well structures", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 89, p. 5465, 2001.

[4]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Kun-Long Hsieh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Ming-Juinn Jou, Chih-Hao Lee, Ming-Zhe Lin, "Crystal orientation dependence of optical gain in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 79, pp. 1477-1479, 2001.

[5]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Tao-Hung Hsueh, Yi-Sheng Ting, Gou-Chung Chi and Chin-An Chang, "Effects of In and Ga Interdiffusion on the Optical Gain of InGaN/GaN Quantum Well", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 90, p. 5180, 2001.

[6]     Chii-Chang Chen*, Kun-Long Hsieh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Ming-Juinn Jou, Chih-Hao Lee, Ming-Zhe Lin, "Dependence of optical gain on direction of optically pumped cavity on (0001)-plane for InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure", Material Science and Engineering: B. vol. 93, p. 28, 2002.

[7]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Kun-Long Hsieh, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chin-An Chang, "Thermal annealing effects on stimulated emission of high-indium-content InGaN/GaN single quantum well structure", Solid State Electronics vol. 46, p. 1123, 2002.

[8]     Chii-Chang Chen*, Shenq-Rong Hwang, Wen-Hsien Li, Kuan-Ching Lee, and Gou-Chung Chi, Hsia-Tsai Hsiao, and Chun-Guey Wu, "Enhanced electroluminescence and stability of polymer light-emitting diodes with direct polyaniline synthesized anodes", Polymer J. vol. 34, p. 271, 2002.

[9]    Chii-Chang Chen*, Jenq-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi, “Design of GaN convex diffractive microlenses”, Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 34/7, p. 569, 2002.

[10]   Chii-Chang CHEN*, Henri PORTE, Jean-Pierre GOEDGEBUER, Vincent ARMBRUSTER, and Richard Ferriere, "Adjustment of the coupling ratio by laser ablation of Ti:LiNbO3 directional couplers", Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 34/6, p. 453, 2002.

[11]   Jean-Pierre GOEDGEBUER*, Pascal LEVY, Laurent LARGER, Chii-Chang CHEN, William T. RHODES, "Optical Communications with synchronized hyperchaos generated electro-optical", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 38, p. 1178, 2002.

[12] Chii-Chang Chen*, Vincent Armbruster, Henri Porte, Alain Carenco, Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer, "Effective refractive index change of X-cut Z-propagation Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides by laser ablation", Optical Engineering vol. 41, p. 2930, 2002.

[13] Chii-Chang Chen*, Ming-Hung Li, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Wei-Tai Cheng, Jui-Hung Yeh, Jenq-Yang Chang, Toshiaki Ito, “GaN diffractive microlenses fabricated with gray-level mask,” Optics Communications, vol. 215, p. 75, 2003.

[14]   Chii-Chang Chen*, Yi-Sheng Ting, Chien-Chieh Lee, Gou-Chung Chi, Purushottam Chakraborty, Tapas Chini, Hui-Wen Chuang, Jian-Shihn Tsang, Cheng-Ta Kuo, Wen-Chung Tsai, Shu-Han Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, “Er diffusion into gallium nitride”, Solid-State Electronics, vol. 47, p. 529, 2003.

[15] Chii-Chang Chen*, Tao-Hung Hsueh, Yi-Sheng Ting, Gou-Chung Chi, Chin-An Chang, and S. C. Wang, “Thermal annealing effects on the optical gain of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures”, Solid-State Electronics. vol. 47, p. 575, 2003.

[16] Yi-Sheng Ting, Chii-Chang Chen*, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Jung-Tsung Hsu, “Electrical efficiency analysis of GaN-based LEDs with interdigitated mesa geometry,“ J. Electronic Materials vol. 32, p. 312, 2003.

[17] F. Bresson*, C. C. Chen, G. C. Chi, Y. W. Chen, ”Simplified sedimentation process for 3D photonic thick layers/bulk crystals with a stop-band in the visible range.” Applied Surface Science, vol. 217/1-4, pp 281-288, 2003.

[18] Chia-Hung HOU, Ming-Hung LI, Chii-Chang CHEN*, Jenq-Yang CHANG, Jinn-Kong SHEU, Gou-Chung CHI, Chuck WU, Wei-Tai CHENG, Jui-Hung YEH, “GaN Diffractive Microlenses Using in UV Micro-Optics System”, Optical Review, vol. 10, p. 287, 2003.

[19] Yi-Sheng Ting, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chien-Chieh Lee, Gou-Chung Chi, Tapas Chini ,Purushottam Chakraborty, Hui-Wen Chuang, Jian-Shihn Tsang, Cheng-Ta Kuo, Wen-Chung Tsai , Shu-Han Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, “Diffusion mechanism and photoluminescence of erbium in GaN”, Optical Materials, Vol. 24/3 pp 515-518, 2003.

[20]   Chii-Chang Chen*, Chia-Hung Hou, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Jenq-Yang Chang , Ming-Hung Li, Gou-Chung Chi, Chuck Wu “Grating in GaN Membranes, ” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, 8B, p. 5854, 2004.

[21]   Chii-Chang Chen*, Ya-Lun Tsai, Che-Lung Hsu, Jenq-Yang Chang, “Propagation loss reduction of photonic crystal slab waveguides by microspheres”, Optics Express, vol. 12, p. 3934, 2004.

[22] Hung-Ta Chien, Hui-Ting Tang, Chao-Hsien Kuo, Chii-Chang Chen, Zhen Ye*, “Directed diffraction without negative refraction,” Phys. Rev. B. vol. 70, p. 113101, 2004.

[23] Chii-Chang Chen*, Hung-Da Chien, Pi-Gang Luan, “Photonic crystal beam splitters,” Appl. Opt. vol. 43, p. 6187, 2004.

[24] Shih-Shou Lo*, Mou-Sian Wang, Chii-Chang Chen, "Semiconductor hollow optical waveguides formed by omni-directional reflectors," Optics Express vol. 12, p. 6589, 2004.

[25] Chii-Chang Chen*, Chih-Yu Chen, Wen-Kai Wang, Fan-Hsiu Huang, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Wei-Yu Chiu, Yi-Jen Chan, "Photonic crystal directional couplers formed by InAlGaAs nano-rods," Optics Express, vol. 13, p. 38, 2005.

[26] W.-Y. Chen, W.-H. Chang, H.-S. Chang, T. M. Hsu*, Chien-Chieh Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, P. G. Luan, J.-Y. Chang, T.-P. Hsieh, J.-I. Chyi, "Enhanced light emission from InAs quantum dots in single-defect photonic crystal microcavities at room temperature," Appl. Phys.  Lett. vol. 87, p. 071111, 2005.

[27]   Chia-Hua Chan*, Chii-Chang Chen, Chih-Kai Huang, Wei-Hsiang Weng, Hung-Sen Wei, Hui Chen, Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Hsiang-Szu Chang, Wen-Yen Chen, Wen-Hao Chang, Tzu-Min Hsu, “Self-assembly free-standing photonic crystals,” Nanotechnology, vol. 16, 1440, 2005.

[28] De-Hao Chien, Chang-Heng Tsai, Shih-Shou Lo*, Chii-Chang Chen, Jenq-Yang Chang. ”Solid immersion lenses in planar waveguides,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol.vol. 23, p. 2746, 2005.

[29] Shih-Shou Lo, Hua-Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen*,  ”Fabricating lower loss hollow optical waveguide via amorphous silicon bonding using dilute KOH solvent,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 17, 2592, 2005.

[30] Hung-Ta Chien*, Chii-Chang Chen, Pi-Gang Luan, "Photonic crystal beam splitters," Opt. Commun. vol. 259, 873, 2006.

[31] Chii-Chang Chen*, Thomas Pertsch, Rumen Iliew, Falk Lederer, Andreas Tünnermann, "Directional emission from photonic crystal waveguides," Optics Express vol. 14, 2423, 2006.

[32]Chia-Hung Hou*, Chii-Chang Chen, Bao-Jen, Pong, Ming-Hung Li, Gou-Chung Chi, N. C. Chen, C. F. Shih, P. H. Chang, "GaN-Based Stacked Micro-Optics System," Applied Optics vol. 45, 2396, 2006.

[33]Shih-Shou Lo*, Chii-Chang Chen, “Air-core hollow optical waveguides with omnidirectional reflectors, ” Opt. Eng. vol.45, 044601, 2006.

[34]S. S. Lo*, Chii-Chang Chen, S.-C. Hsu and C.-Y Liu, Fabricating hollow optical waveguide for optical communication application IEEE J. MEMS. vol. 15, 584, 2006.

[35]Li-Ming Chang, Chia-Hung Hou, Yu-Chen Ting, Chii-Chang Chen*, Che-Lung Hsu, Jenq-Yang Chang, Chien-Chieh Lee, Guan-Ting Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, "Laser emission from GaN photonic crystals," Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 89, 071116, 2006.

[36]Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen*, “Focusing of electromagnetic waves by periodic arrays of air holes with gradually varying radii,” Opt. Express. Vol. 14, 10759, 2006.

[37]Yen-Ling Tsaia*, Chia-Hua Chun, Jinn-Luh Ou, Chih-Kai Huang, Chii-Chang Chen, “Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles synthesized for preparations of silica-coated composites,” Desalination, vol. 200, 97, 2006.    

[38]Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Chi Ku, Sung-Kay Chiu, Chi-Meng Tzeng*, “Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization acceleration by photovoltaic effect,” Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 89, 233902, 2006.

[39]Fu-Li Hsiao, Chia-Hua Chan*, Chii-Chang Chen, "Optical properties of metallo-dielectric opals," Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 89, 253123, 2006.

[40]Shih-Shou Lo*, Chii-Chang Chen, Frank Garwe, Thomas Pertsch “Broad-Band Anti-Reflection Coupler for a:Si Thin-Film Solar Cell,” J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys. vol. 40, 754, 2007.

[41]Fu-Li Hsiao*, Abdelkrim Khelif, Hanane Moubchir, Abdelrim Choujaa, Chii-Chang Chen, and Vincent Laude, "Complete band gaps and deaf bands of triangular and honeycomb phononic crystals," J. Appl. Phys. vol. 101, 044903, 2007.

[42]C. L. Lin*, P. H. Chen, C. H. Chan, C. C. Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, J. Y. Chang, C. Y. Liu, “Light enhancement by the formation of an Al-oxide honeycomb nano-structure on the n-GaN surface of thin-GaN LED,“ Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 90, p. 242106, 2007.

[43]Shih-Shou Lo, Chii-Chang Chen*, “1x2 multimode interference couplers based on semiconductor hollow waveguides formed from omnidirectional reflectors,” Optics Letters, vol. 32, p. 1803, 2007.

[44]Chih-Kai Huang, Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Yin Chen, Yen-Ling Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen, Jin-Lin Hane and Kuo-Huang Hsieh*, "Rapid fabrication of 2- and 3-D photonic crystals and their inversed structures," Nanotechnology. Vol. 18, 265305, 2007.

[45]Shih-Shou Lo, Chii-Chang Chen*, "High finesse of optical filter by a set Fabry-Perot Cavity," JOSA B vol. 24, p. 1853, 2007.

[46]Wei-Yu Chiu, Tai-Wei Huang, Yen-Hsiang Wu, Yi-Jen Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen*, “A photonic crystal ring resonator formed by SOI nano-rods,” Optics Express vol. 15, p. 15500, 2007.

[47]Fu-Li Hsiao*, Abdelkrim Khelif, Hanane Moubchir, Abdelkrim Choujaa, Chii-Chang Chen, Vincent Laude, “Waveguiding in a complete band gap phononic crystal slab,” Phys. Rev. E, vol. 76, p. 056601, 2007.

[48]Guan-Ting Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi*, Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Chii-Chang Chen, Mao-Nan Chang, “Crack-free GaN grown on AlGaN/(111)Si micropillar array fabricated by polystyrene microsphere lithography,” Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 91, p. 261910, 2007.

[49]Chih-Kai Huang, Chia-Hung Hou, Chii-Chang Chen, Yen-Ling Tsai, Li-Ming Chang, Hung-Sen Wei, Kuo-Huang Hsieh, Chia-Hua Chan*, “Magnetic SiO2/Fe3O4 Colloidal Crystal,” Nanotechnology, vol. 19, 055701, 2008.

[50]W. Y. Chiu, T. W. Huang, Y. H. Wu, F. H. Huang, Y. J. Chan, C. H. Hou, H. T. Chien, Chii-Chang. Chen*, S. H. Chen, J. I. Chyi, “Directional coupler formed by photonic crystal InAlGaAs nano-rods,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 26, p. 488, 2008.

[51]Chengkuo Lee*, Rohit Radhakrishnan, Chii-Chang Chen, Jing Li and N. Balasubramanian, "Design and Modeling of A Nanomechanical Sensor Using Silicon Photonic Crystals,"  J. Lightwave Technol. Vol. 26, p. 839, 2008.

[52]Chia-Hung Hou, Maria-Pilar Bernal, Chii-Chang Chen*, Roland Salut, Cinzia Sada, N. Argiolas, M. Bazzan, M.V. Ciampolillo, “Purcell effect observation in erbium doped lithium niobate photonic crystal structures,” Opt. Commun. Vol. 281, p. 4151-4154, 2008.

[53]Hua-Kung Chiu, Fu-Li Hsiao, Chia-Hua Chan, Chii-Chang Chen*, “Compact and low-loss bent hollow waveguides with distributed Bragg reflector,” Optics Express, vol. 16, pp.15069-15073, 2008.

[54]Chengkuo Lee*, Jayaraj Thillaigovindan, Chii-Chang Chen, Xian Tong Chen, Ya-Ting Chao, Shaohua Tao, Wenfeng Xiang,Aibin Yu, Hanhua Feng, and G. Q. Lo, “Si nanophotonics based cantilever sensor,”  Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 93, p.113113, 2008.

[55]Fu-Li Hsiao, Chia-Hua Chan, Chii-Chang Chen*, Kuei-Chu Hsu, "Acoustic Resonant Leaky-Mode Effects," Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 94, p. 044101, 2009.

[56]Chih-Min Wang, Yi-Ying Wu, Chia-Hung Hou, Chii-Chang Chen, and Kwang-Hwa Lii*, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Organically Templated Lanthanide Oxalatophosphates with a Three-Dimensional Honeycomb Structure: (H4APPIP)[Ln3(C2O4)5.5(H2PO4)2]·5H2O (Ln = Er-Lu, APPIP = 1,4-bis(3-amino-propyl)piperazine)," Inorganic Chemistry vol. 48, p. 1519, 2009.

[57]Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Chih-Kai Huang, Tsing-Jen Chen, Shao-Ze Tseng, Hung-Ta Chien, Cheng-Huang Kuo, Kuo-Huang Hsieh, Yen-Ling Tsai, Kuei-Chu Hsu and Chii-Chang Chen*, "Patterning periodical motif on substrates by monolayer of microspheres: Application on GaN LEDs," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. vol. 48, p. 020212, 2009.

[58]Te-Hung Chang, Pei-Hsuan Wu, Sheng-Hui Chen*, Chia-Hua Chan, Cheng-Chung Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, Yan-Kuin Su, "Efficiency Enhancement in GaAs Solar Cells Using Self-assemble Microsphere," Opt. Express. vol. 17, p. 6519, 2009.

[59]Shih-Shou Lo*, Dison Huang and Chun Hsiang Tu, Chia-Hung Hou, Chii-Chang Chen, "Raman scattering and Band-gap Variation in ZnO nanoparticles doped with Al by chemical colloid process," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 42, p. 095420  (2009)

[60]Wei-Hung, Su*, Chia-Jeng Huang, Chi-Chang Chen, "Theoretical analysis for image formation from a lens system using supercontinuum light illumination," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 51, p. 1899, 2009.

[61]Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Shao-Ze Tseng, Tsing-Jen Chen, Hung-Ta Chien, Fu Li Hsiao, Chien-Chieh Lee, Yen-Ling Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Improving output power of GaN-based light-emitting diodes grown on a nanopatterned sapphire substrate," Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 95, p. 011110, 2009.

[62]Hung-Ta Chien, Chengkuo Lee, Hua-Kung Chiu, Kuei-Chu Hsu, Chii-Chang Chen*, Ja-an Annie Ho, Chien Chou, "The Comparison Between the Graded Photonic Crystal Coupler and Various Couplers," J. Lightwave Technol. vol. 27, p. 2570, 2009.

[63]Te-Hung Chang, Sheng-Hui Chen*, Chia-Hua Chan, Yu-Wen Yeh, Shih-Liang Ku, Cheng-Chung Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, Chao-Chun Huang, "Fabrication of Three-dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Autocloning Layers on the Self-assembled Microspheres" Opt. Eng. vol. 48, p. 073401, 2009.

[64]Jason C. Huang, Ying-Feng Chang, Kuan-Hsuan Chen, Li-Chen Su, Chun-Wei Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen*, Chien Chou*, "Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in human serum using a localized surface plasmon coupled fluorescence fiber-optic biosensor," Biosensors and Bioelectronics  vol. 25, p. 320, 2009.

[65]Hua-Kung Chiu, Chih-Ming Hsu, Shih-Shou Lo, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chien-Chieh Lee, "Sharply Bent Hollow Optical Waveguides Formed by Omni-Direction Reflector," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 42, p. 195106. 2009.

[66]Chia-Hung Hou , Shao-Ze Tseng , Chia-Hua Chan, Tsing-Jen Chen , Hung-Ta Chien , Fu-Li Hsiao , Hua-Kung Chiu , Chien-Chieh Lee , Yen-Ling Tsai , Chii-Chang Chen*, "Output power enhancement of light-emitting diodes via two-dimensional hole arrays generated by a monolayer of microspheres," Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 95, p. 133105, 2009.

[67]Chih-Kai Huang, Chia-Yin Chen, Jin-Lin Han, Chii-Chang Chen, Meng-Dan Jiang, Jen-Sung Hsu, Chia-Hua Chan*, Kuo-Huang Hsieh*, "Immobilization of Silver Nanoparticles on Silica Microspheres," Journal of Nanoparticle Research vol. 12, p. 199, 2010.

[68]Chien-Chang Chao, Sheng-Han Tu, Chih-Ming Wang*, Hung-I Huang, Chii-Chang Chen and Jenq-Yang Chang, “Impedance-Matching Surface Plasmon Absorber for FDTD Simulations,” Plasmonics, vol. 5, p. 51, 2010.

[69]Ya-Lun Tsai, Kuei-Chu Hsu, Chii-Chang Chen*, Ching-Yi Chen, Jenq-Yang Chang, "Optical confinement using a doughnut waveguides," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. Vol. 43, p. 245103, 2010.

[70]Chia-Hua Chan, Alexis Fischer, Amanda Martinez-Gil, Philippe Taillepierre, Chien-Chieh Lee*, Song-Lin Yang, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Dong-Po Cai, Kuei-Chu Hsu, Chii-Chang Chen, "Anti-reflection layer formed by monolayer of microspheres," Appl. Phys. B. vol. 100, p.547, 2010.

[71]Ja-an Annie Ho*, Heng-Chia Chang, Neng-Yao Shih, Li-Chen Wu, Ying-Feng Chang, Chii-Chang Chen, Chien Chou, "Diagnostic detection of human lung cancer-associated antigen using a gold nanoparticle-based electrochemical Immunosensor," Analytical Chemistry, vol. 82, p. 5944, 2010.

[72]Trong Thi Mai, Fu-Li Hsiao, Chengkuo Lee*, Wenfeng Xiang, Chii-Chang Chen, W.K. Choi,“Optimization and comparison of photonic crystal resonators for silicon microcantilever sensor,” Sensors & Actuators A, vol. 165, p. 16. 2011. 

[73]Hua-Kung Chiu, Chung-Hsing Chang, Chia-Hung Hou, Chii-Chang Chen, Chien-Chieh Lee*, "Wavelength-selective filter based on a hollow optical waveguide," Applied Optics, vol. 50, p. 227, 2011.

[74]Dong-Po Cai, Shan-Chi Nien, Hua-Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen* and Chien-Chieh Lee, "Electrically tunable liquid crystal waveguide attenuators," Optics Express vol. 19, p. 11890. 2011.

[75]Dong-Po Cai, Hung-Yi Pan, Ji-Fang Tsai, Hua-Kung Chiu, Shan-Chi Nian, Sheng Hsiung Chang, Chii-Chang Chen* and Chien-Chieh Lee, “Liquid crystal infiltrated waveguide with distributed Bragg reflectors,” Optical Materials Express vol. 1, p. 1471, 2011.

[76]W. Y. Chiu, Y. S. Wu, Y. J. Chan, T. D. Wang, C. H. Hou, H. T. Chien, and Chii-Chang Chen*, "Monolithically Integrated Photonic-Crystal Devices with Photodiodes," Opt. Commun. Vol. 284, p. 4749, 2011.

[77]Ya-Lun Tsai, Jyun-Hong Lu, Hua-Kung Chiu, Ching-Yi Chen, Chii-Chang Chen* and Jenq-Yang Chang, “Donuts make diffractionless electromagnetic waves,” Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications vol.10, p. 9, 2012.

[78]Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chien-Chieh Lee, T. D. Wang, "Study of coupling length of concentrically curved waveguides," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, p. 80, 2012.

[79]Jyun-Hong Lu, Chung-Chun Kuo, Fu-Li Hsiao*, and Chii-Chang Chen, “Acoustic filter based on Helmholtz resonator array,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 051907, 2012.

[80]Chu-En Lin, Chih-Jen Yu, and Chii-Chang Chen*, “Design of a full-dynamic-range balanced detection heterodyne gyroscope with common-path configuration, “ Optics Express Vol. 21, 9947, 2013.

[81]Yu-Chieh Cheng, Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chia-Hua Chan, Chien-Chieh Lee, Ya-Lun Tsai, “Photonic crystal cavity with double heterostructure in GaN bulk,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 5, p. 2202606, 2013.

[82]Sheng Hsiung Chang, Ren-Young Liu, Chu-En Lin, Fong-In Chou, Chao-Yi Tai, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Photo-annealing effect of gamma-irradiated erbium doped fiber by femtosecond pulsed laser," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 46, p. 495113, 2013.

[83]Guo-Yang Ciou, Jyun-Hong Lu, Chu-En Lin, Ya-Lun Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen*, Siegfried Chicot, Alexis Fischer, Azzedine Boudrioua, "2D simulation of the enhancement effect for DSSCs by using the micro-air hole in substrate," Optics Communications, vol. 324, p.178, 2014.

[84]Jyun-Hong Lu, Dong-Po Cai, Ya-Lun Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chu-En Lin and Ta-Jen Yen, “Genetic algorithms optimization of photonic crystal fibers for half diffraction angle reduction of output beam,” Optics Express, vol. 22, p. 22590, 2014.

[85]Sheng Hsiung Chang*, Ren-Young Liu, Chu-En Lin, Chao-Yi Tai, and Chii-Chang Chen, “1550-nm Fluorescence Efficiency and Heat Generation of Erbium-Doped Fiber Pumped by Pulsed and Quasi-Continuous-Wave Lasers,” Aerospace Science and Technology vol. 39, p.187, 2014.

[86]Dong-Po Cai, Jyun-Hong Lu, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chien-Chieh Lee, Chu-En Lin, and Ta-Jen Yen, "Compact pulley-type microring resonator with high quality factor," Applied Physics Express, vol. 7, p. 112202, 2014.

[87]Getachew T. Ayenew, Alexis P. A. Fischer*, Chia-Hua Chan, Chii-Chang Chen, Mahmoud Chakaroun, Jeanne Solard, Lung-Han Peng, Azzedine Boudrioua, "Self-organized nanoparticle photolithography for two-dimensional patterning of organic light emitting diodes," Optics Express, vol. 22, p. A1619, 2014.

[88]Jen-Hsiung Liao, Hsiao-Wei Huang, Lung-Chieh Cheng, Hsueh-Hsing Liu, Jen-Inn Chyi, Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen, Kun-Yu Lai*, "Yellow-emitting Si-doped GaN:Favorable characteristics for intermediate band solar cells," Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 132, p. 544, 2015.

[89]Dong-Po Cai, Jyun-Hong Lu, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chien-Chieh Lee, Chu-En Lin,  Ta-Jen Yen, “High Q-factor microring resonator wrapped by the curved waveguide,”Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 10078, 2015.

[90]Jui-Fen Chang*, Yu-Syuan Huang, Po-Ting Chen,1 Ruei-Lin Kao, Xuan-You Lai, Chii-Chang Chen, Cheng-Ching Lee, “Reduced threshold of optically pumped amplified spontaneous emission and narrow linewidth electroluminescence at cutoff wavelength from bilayer organic waveguide devices,” Optics Express, vol. 23, p. 14695, 2015.

[91]Jyun-Hong Lu, Dong-Po Cai, Cheng-Yi Hsieh, Fu-Li Hsiao*, Chii-Chang Chen, "Liquid sensor composed of one-dimensional sonic Helmholtz resonator array," Applied Physics A, vol. 120, pp. 509-517, 2015.

[92]Ying-Feng Chang, Chen Fu, Chen-Yi Ting, Amily Fang-Ju Jou, Chii-Chang Chen, Chien Chou, Ja-an Annie Ho*, “Use of liposomal Amplifiers in total internal reflection fluorescence fiber-optic Biosensors for protein detection,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 77, p. 1201, 2016.

[93]Chu-En Lin, Ta-Jen Yen*, Chih-Jen Yu, Cheng-Min Hsieh, Min-Han Lee, Chii-Chang Chen, and Cheng-Wei Chang, “Singular observation of the polarization-conversion effect for a gammadion-shaped metasurface,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 22196, 2016.

[94]Chia-Hua Chan, Ting-Yun Wu, Meng-Hua Yen, Chu-En Lin, Ko-Ting Cheng*, Chii-Chang Chen, "Low power consumption and high-contrast light scattering based on polymer-dispersed liquid crystals doped with Ag-coated polystyrene microspheres," Optics Express, vol. 24, p. 29963, 2016.

[95]Cheng-Kai Liu, Chian-Yu Chiu, Stephen M. Morris, Min-Cheng Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen and Ko-Ting Cheng, “Optically Controllable Linear-Polarization Rotator Using Chiral-Azobenzene-Doped Liquid Crystals” Materials Vol. 10, p. 1299, 2017.

[96]Jyun-Hong Lu, Dong-Po Cai, You-De Liao, Chii-Chang Chen*, Chu-En Lin*, Ta-Jen Yen, “Distribution of reflection spectrum for the photonic-crystal structure of Morpho butterfly wing under oblique incidence,” IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 11, p.242, 2017.

[97]Cheng-Kai Liu, Min-Cheng Tsai, Stephen M. Morris, Chian-Yu Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen, Ko-Ting Cheng*, “Dynamics of pitch change in chiral azobenzene-doped liquid crystals,” Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 263, p. 406, 2018.

[98]Meng-Hua Yen, Pei-Yu Feng, Chu-En Lin, Chii-Chang Chen*, Jenq-Yang Chang, "Optimization of pulley-type ring resonator with waveguide offset," Micromachines, vol. 9, p. 226, 2018.

[99]Fan-Ching Chien, Jen-Long Lo, Xingwang Zhang, Ertugrul Cubukcu, Yu-Tang Luo, Kai-Lin Huang, Xiaofang Tang, Chien-Sheng Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, and Kun-Yu Lai*, “Nitride-Based Microarray Biochips: A New Route of Plasmonic Imaging,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 10 (46), 39898-39903. 2018.

[100] Chu-En Lin, Chii-Chang Chen*, Jia-Hao Liu, Islam Laadjal, Alexis Fischer, "Pulley-type metallic microring surface plasmon polariton sensor based on Otto-configuration," Results in Physics vol. 12, pp. 1980-1983, 2019.

[101] Yu-Chieh Cheng*, Ya-Ju Chang, Yu-Ching Chuang, Bo-Zhi Huang, Chii-Chang Chen*, ”A plasmonic refractive index sensor with an ultrabroad dynamic sensing range,“ Scientific Reports vol. 9, 5134, 2019.

[102] Meng-Hua Yen, Ding-Well Liu, Yi-Chia Hsin, Chu-En Lin, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Application of the deep learning for the prediction of rainfall in Southern Taiwan," Scientific Reports, vol. 9, p.12774, 2019.

[103]Tian-You Cheng, Da-Ya Chou, Ching-Chuan Liu, Ya-Ju Chang, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Optical Neural Networks Based on Optical Fiber-communication System," Neurocomputing vol. 364, p. 239, 2019.

[104] Tian-You Cheng, Ching-Chuan Liu, Da-Ya Jhou, Chii-Chang Chen* "Impact of coupling topology upon noise robustness of small optical reservoirs," Scientific Reports, vol. 10, p.14086, 2020.

[105] Chii-Chang Chen*, "Design of ultra-short polarization convertor with enhanced birefringence by photonic crystals," Results in Physics, vol. 24, p. 104138, 2021.

[106] Chu-En Lin, Yueh-Heng Lu, Yu-Tung Lin, Ya-Fan Chen, Ching-Pao Sun, and Chii-Chang Chen*, "All Optical XOR Logic Gate Formed by Unsupervised Optical Neuron Networks," Neurocomputing vol. 460, p. 205, 2021.

[107] Fu-Li Hsiao, Chia-Ying, Ni, Ying-Ping Tsai, Ting-Wei, Chiang, Yen-Tung, Yang, Cheng-Jui, Fan, Hsuan-Ming, Chang, Chien-Chung, Chen, Hsin-Feng, Lee, Bor- Shyh Lin, Kai-Chun, Chan, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Design of waveguide polarization convertor based on asymmetric 1D photonic crystals," Nanomaterials vol. 12, p. 2454, 2022.

[108] Chu-En Lin, Yueh-Heng Lu, Meng-Ting Zhou, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Reconfigurable Electro-optical Logic Gates Using a 2-layer Multilayer Perceptron," Scientific Reports vol. 12, p. 14203, 2022.

[109] Li-Ying Liu, Hong-Chang Huang, Chu-Wen Chen, Fu-Li Hsiao, Yu-Chieh Cheng, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Design of Reflective Polarization Rotator in Silicon Waveguide," Nanomaterials, vol. 12, p. 3694, 2022.

[110] Hung-Pin Chung, Sheng-Han Chang, Ching-Lu Hsieh, Hsuan Yang, Chii-Chang Chen, Jann-Yenq Liu, Horng-Yuan Yen, Yen-Hung Chen*, “Seismic waves of the 10 December 2020 M6.6 Yilan earthquake observed by interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope,” Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, vol. 33, p. 32, 2022.

[111] Chu-En Lin, Ching-Pao Sun, Chii-Chang Chen*,"Utilizing optical neural network to establish high-performance OR and XOR logic gates," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 119, p, 105788, 2023.

[112] Li-Yu Chen, Yi-Chun Chen, Jason C. Huang, Sophie Sok, Vincent Armbruster, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Brainwave implanted reservoir computing," AIP Advances, vol. 14, p. 015253, 2024.

[113] Kuan-Cheng Su, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Wei-Chih Lin, Fu-Li Hsiao, Tatyana Ryzhkova, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Three-Dimensional Method for Analysis of the Body Mode of Classical Guitars Using a Laser Displacement Sensor," Sensors, vol. 24, p. 5147, 2024.

[114] Chu-En Lin, Ya-Fan Chen, Ching-Pao Sun, and Chii-Chang Chen*, "A photonic integrated chip for distinguishing the optical wave packets based on a neural-network," Results in Physics, 107982, 2024.

[115] Meng-Ting Zhou, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Design of Electro-Optical Flip-Flop," submitted.

[116] Da-Yo Ni, Meng-Ting Zhou, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Phase-controlled phase modulators," submitted.

[117] Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Chii-Chang Chen* ,"Normal mode splitting of acoustic strong coupling between strings and body of classical guitars," submitted.

[118] Che-Hsu Yeh, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Tone transforms of classical guitars using impulse response and a laser displacement sensor," submitted.

[119] Guan-you Lu, Alexis Fischer, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Design of LiNbO3 polarization converter," submitted.

[120] Tse-Hao Kuo, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Compact silicon polarization rotator," submitted.




[1]     Consultant in ITRI, Mar-Dec 2004.

[2]     Visiting scholar in Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. (2005/6-9)

[3]     National Science Council Wu Ta-You award, 2006. (國科會吳大猷先生紀念)

[4]     National Central University outstanding research award, 2006. (中央大學研究傑出獎)

[5]     National Central University excellent patent award, 2006. (中央大學績優專利獎)

[6]     National Cnetral University excellent technology transfer award, 2006. (中央大學 傑出技轉貢獻獎,2006年以前中央大學歷史上第二高額技轉金)

[7]     Visiting scholar in Université Paris 13, France, for one month, 2006/7 (交通與生活費全額由巴黎大學支付)

[8]     National Central University outstanding research award, 2007. (中央大學研究傑出獎)

[9]     Visiting scholar in Université Paris 13, France, for one month, 2007/7(交通與生活費全額由巴黎大學支付)

[10] Visiting scholar in Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany for 2 weeks (2007/8)

[11] Execution Secretary of NCU Plan to Develop First-class University and Top-level Research Centers, 2007/9-2010/4 (中大研發處五年五百億計畫執行秘書)

[12] Organizing committee member of ODF'08 Taipei, 2008.

[13] Member of council of The Optical Engineering Society of the Republic of China中華民國光學工程學會第十屆理事, 2008.

[14] Guest editor of Journal of Optical Engineering Society of the Republic of China (vol. 103) 中華民國光學工程學會第103期季刊客座編輯, 2008.

[15] Taiwan Optical Engineering Society, Ritek young optical engineering award, 2008. 中華民國光學工程學會錸德青年光學工程獎章, 2008.

[16] National Central University outstanding research award, 2008. (中央大學研究傑出獎)

[17] National Central University outstanding research award, 2009. (中央大學研究傑出獎)

[18] National Central University distinguished professor, 2010-2013. (中央大學特聘教授)

[19]Member of council of The Optical Engineering Society of the Republic of China中華民國光學工程學會第十一屆理事, 2010.

[20] Member of Editorial board of ISRN Optics (International is one of the International Scholarly Research Network-Optics), 2011.

[21] Visiting scholar in Université Paris 13, France, for one month 2011/11 (交通與生活費全額由巴黎大學支付)

[22] Visiting scholar in University of Central Florida, 2012/10 (交通與生活費全額由UCF支付)

[23] Technical program committee, CLEO-PR/OECC 2013.

[24] National Central University excellent patent award, 2013. (中央大學績優專利獎)

[25] Section editor in Austin Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology, 2013.

[26] Guest editor of Journal of Nanophotonics, 2013.

[27] Member of council of The Optical Engineering Society of the Republic of China中華民國光學工程學會第十二屆理事, 2013.

[28] The IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), Technical programme member, Singapore 2015.

[29] National Central University outstanding research award, 2015.

[30] National Central University excellent patent award, 2015.

[31] Best Research Paper Award, Optoelectronics, Photonics, Applied Physics, (Singapore) 2016.

[32] Visiting scholar in Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Mexico, 2016.

[33] National Central University outstanding research award, 2016.

[34] Editorial board member of Scientific Reports獲邀加入Nature出版社之Scientific Reports期刊之編輯委員, 2017.

[35] Visiting scholar in Université Paris 13, France, for one month (2018/6,交通與生活費全額由巴黎大學支付)

[36] Visiting scholar in ISIFC, France (2018/10,生活費由法蘭西康德高等生醫理工學院支付)

[37] Visiting scholar in Université Paris 13, France (2019/7).

[38] Chii-Chang Chen and  Chung-Hung-Pin, Future Tech Award from Minister of Science and Technology of Taiwan (2021/10). (科技部未來科技獎)

[39] Chii-Chang Chen and Da-Jen Jou, Third ensemble prize of the guitar competition from Taiwan Guitar Society (2021/11). (台灣吉他學會台灣吉他大賽重奏公開組第三名)

[40] Hung-Ping Chung, Ching-Lu Hsieh, Sheng-Han Chang, Chii-Chang Chen, Yen-Hung Chen, Jann-Yenq Liu, Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Competition Silver Prize from Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C., 2022.(2022年經濟部台灣創新技術博覽會發明競賽銀牌獎)

[41] Chii-Chang Chen, Yen-Hung Chen, Technology Contribution Award from Taiwan Photonics Society, 2022. (2022年中華民國光電學會光電科技貢獻獎)

[42] OPTIC 2022, Taiwan, General Chair大會主席, 2022。

[43] IEDMS 2024, Program committee, Taiwan, 2024。


Invited talks:

[1]  ”Nanotechmology development in opto-electronics”, PIDA, Taipei, April, 2002.

[2]  ”Photonic crystals and applications”, ITRI, Hsintsu, April, 2003.

[3]  ”Photonic crystals and future applications”, NCU EE department, Jung-Li, Sep. 24, 2003.

[4] ”Photonic crystals and future applications”, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, EE department, Da-Si, Oct 3, 2003.

[5] “Photonic crystal related researches in National Central University”, Workshop on Advanced Photonic-crystal Devices, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Oct 18, 2003.

[6] “Photonic crystal waveguide engineering,” Workshop on Left-Handed Materials and Photonic Crystals, Jung-Li, Taiwan, 2003. (invited speaker)

[7] “3D photonic crystals,” short course, ITRI, March 25 2004.

[8] “State-of-the-art of photonic crystal researches” Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, NSYSU, Kaoshung, May, 22, 2004.

[9]    “State-of-the-art of photonic crystal researches” Department of photonic engineering, NCTU, HsinTsu, May, 22, 2004.

[10] “DNA hybridization using photovoltaic microarray” (Invited Paper), Smart materials, nano-, and micro-smart systems, Sydney, Australia, 2004.

[11] “Photonic Crystals and applications,”Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2004, invited talk, 2004.

[12] Ma vie en france 逐夢法國,” Institute of Photonics Technology, NTHU, HsinTsu, March, 12, 2005.

[13] “Ma vie en france 逐夢法國,” MingChi University of Technology, Taishan, April, 18, 2005.

[14] “Photonic crystal waveguides: design, fabrication and characterization,” Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, April 22, 2005.

[15] “Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University,” Workshop on Global Perspectives in Frontiers of Photonics, Duke University, USA, May 18, 2005. (Invited speaker)

[16] “Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University,” College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, USA, May 20, 2005.

[17] "Photonic Crystal Research and Applications,” Department of electronic engineering, Ching Yun University, Juin 10, 2005.

[18] "Photonic Crsytal Research in National Central University," Friedrich-Schiller-University, Germany, July 2005.

[19] "Photonic Crsytal Research in National Central University," Université de Franche-Comté, LPMO, France, September 6, 2005.

[20] "Photonic Crsytal Research and applications," Department of Aeronautics and Astroanutics, National Cheng Kung University, 14 October, 2005.

[21] "Photonic Crsytal Research in National Central University," Workshop on Photonic Crystals and Nano Photonics, National Taiwan University, Nov. 5, 2005. (invited speaker)

[22] “Photonic Crsytal Research and applications," Institute of Photonics Technologies, National Tsing-Hwa University, 25 November, 2005.

[23] "Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University," College of Sciences, National Central University, Dec. 20, 2005.

[24] "Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University," Workshop on Nano Photonics and Photonic Crystals, National Chung Cheng University, Dec. 23, 2005. (invited speaker)

[25] "Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University," College of Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Jan. 5, 2006.

[26] “Ma vie en france 逐夢法國,” Graduate Institute of Photonics, National Chang Hua University of Education, Jan. 11, 2006.

[27] "Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University,"2006 Symposium on Nano Device Technology, National Nano Device Laboratory, Hsintsu, Taiwan, Apr. 28, 2006. (invited speaker)

[28] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," The 1st Workshop on Nanophotonics & in Memory of Prof. Lu-Gen Hua, June 18, 2006. (invited speaker)

[29] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Université Paris 13, Laboratoire des Physiques de lasers, Paris, France, July 20, 2006.

[30] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," MSE Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, Oct 4, 2006.

[31] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," EE, Lung-Hwa University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Oct 12, 2006.

[32] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," EE, National Central University, Jhung-Li, Taiwan, Oct 23, 2006.

[33] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Institute of Electro-Optical engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshung, Taiwan, Nov 6, 2006.

[34] “Photonic Crystals in National Central University and our Collaborators” Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2006, National Tsing-Hua University, invited talk, Dec. 16, 2006.

[35] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," 2007 Annual Meeting of PSROC, National Central University, Jung-Li, Taiwan, Jan 24, 2007.

[36] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 7, 2007.

[37] “Photonic crystals,” Oriental Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, April 13, 2007.  

[38] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Graduate Institute of Opto-Mechatronics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, April 26, 2007.

[39] Photonic crystal light emitting devices,” Forepi Inc. May 10, 2007.

[40] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University, May 11, 2007.

[41] “Photonic crystal devices and microsphere application,” Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany, Aug. 14, 2007.

[42] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," SPIE Optics & Photonics conference, San Diego, 2007. (invited paper)

[43] "Ma vie en france 逐夢法國," Department of electro-optical engineering, National United University, Feb. 28, 2008.

[44] "DNA microchip and nano-optics," Institute of Biotechnology in Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Mar. 7, 2008.

[45] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshung, Taiwan, Mar. 6, 2008.

[46] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Department of electro-optical engineering, National United University, May. 1, 2008.

[47] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Department of electrical engineering, Chinese Culture University, May. 2, 2008.

[48] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Institute of Electro-Optical Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Sep. 27, 2008.

[49] "Ma vie en france 逐夢法國," Department of Electronic Engineering, Chang Gung University, Oct. 8, 2008.

[50] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," Seminars on nanotechnology and science, Center of Nanotechnology, NCU, Oct. 22, 2008.

[51] "From butterfly's wing to nanotechnology," National Museum of National Science (國立自然科學博物館), Taichung, Oct. 25, 2008.

[52] "Ma vie en france 逐夢法國," National Central University, Office of Teaching Center, 中央大學松濤講座, Mar. 4, 2009.

[53] "Photonic Crystals,” National Yangmei Senior High School, June 19, 2009.

[54] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," 16th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2009), Hsintsu, Apr. 30, 2009.

[55] “Ma vie en France逐夢法國,” National Tsing-Hua University, Institute of Photon ics Technologies, 國立清華大學光電所, Sept. 25, 2009.

[56] "Ma vie en france 逐夢法國," National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, Taipei, Oct. 30, 2009.

[57] "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip,” National Changhua University of Education, Department of Photonics, Jan. 12, 2010.

[58] “Nanophotonic devices and monolayer of nanospheres,” Ecole Polytechnique, Institut d’Optique, France, Mar. 31, 2010.

[59] "Nano-optics systems and applications of monolayer of microspheres," Carleton University, Canada, May 18, 2010.

[60] “Donuts make confinement of electromagnetic waves,” NTU, Jan. 11th, 2011.

[61] “Photonic Crystal Devices,” Graduate Institute of Photonics, National Chang Hua University of Education, Jun. 1, 2011.

[62] “From butterflies to photonic crystals,” Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Sep. 26, 2011.

[63] "Photonic Crystal Devices,” Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Oct. 3, 2011.

[64]“Photonic Crystal Devices,” Department of Applied Science, National Tai Tung University, May 11, 2012.

[65] "Nanophotonic device development/ My life in France", Tunghai University, Department of Physics, Sep. 28, 2012.

[66] "Pulley-Type Ring Resonators," 10th Chinese Optoelectronics conference, National Taiwan University, May 16th 2013.

[67] "Some ideas on mobile phones," Trend on Next-Generation Display and Optical Technology, Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, June 18th , 2013.

[68] "Solar cell technology," Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia, June 30th –July 5th , 2013.

[69] "Nanophotonic device development ", National Dong Hwa University, Department of Physics, Sep. 25, 2015.

[70] "Photonic Crystals and Nano-optics", Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica Optica y Electronica, Mexico, Feb. 4, 2016.

[71] "My life in France ", National Changhua University of Education, Graduate Institute of Photonics, March 9, 2016.

[72] "Nanophotonics for LEDs and optical communications", UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia, 30 August-2 September 2016.

[73] “Acoustics of Guitars,” College of Science, National Central University, Nov. 21, 2017.

[74] “Acoustics of Guitars,” College of Science, National Central University, Dec. 8, 2017.

[75] “Nano-optics and magnetics,” Department of Electro-Optical Enigeering, National Taipei University of Technology, March 17, 2017.

[76] “Acoustics of Guitars,” Department of Electro-Optical Enigeering, National Taipei University of Technology, June 8, 2017.

[77] Chii-Chang Chen, "Matériaux Photoniques,” Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France, June, 2018.

[78] Chii-Chang Chen, "Etude biomédicale et calcul optique avec nano-photonique,” ISIFC, Besançon, France, Oct. 2018.

[79] “Optical Artificial Intelligence system,” Graduate Institute of Photonics, National Chang Hua University of Education, Dec. 11, 2019.

[80] “Optical Artificial Intelligence computing system,” Graduate Institute of Photonics, National Chang Hua University of Education, Nov. 5, 2020.

[81] "How to encourage the scientifist-artist collaboration" Conference on  Art & Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Dec. 26 2020.

[82] “Ma vie en France逐夢法國,” Department of French, Tamkang University, 淡江大學法文系, Nov. 24, 2022.

[83] "Design of memory based on electro-optical NAND gates", The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors and The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Aug. 1. 2024.(Invited paper)

[84] Nicolas Drouet, Chii-Chang Chen, IA, français et art optique : création d'une pièce de théâtre, in 4ème Rencontre pédagogique en Asie-Pacifique. 2024: Taipei. (Invited talk)



Conference Papers:

[1] Chii-Chang Chen, Henri Porte, Alain Carenco, Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer and Vincent Armbruster, "Polarization independent LiNbO3 Mach-Zehnder modulator using TE-TM phase trimming by laser ablation", Opical Society America annual meeting in Long Beach, California, October 1997.

[2] M. Hanna, H. Porte, J. P.Goedgebuer, C. C. Chen, W. T. Rhodes, "La gigue de Phase des solitons : etude theorique et experimentale", 19e Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée(JNOG'99), Limoges, France, 6-8 decembre 1999, 331-313.

[3] C. C. Chen, H. Porte, V. Armbruster, R. Ferrière, "Contrôle du taux de couplage d'un coupleur directionnel (LiNbO3) par ablation laser excimère", 19e Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée(JNOG'99), Limoges, France, 6-8 decembre 1999, 371-373.

[4] Chii-Chang Chen, Hui-Wen Chuang, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, and Jen-Inn Chyi, "Optical-pumping spectra for InxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum well structures with indium content x>0.35", Proc. of Photonics Taiwan 2000, 4078-06.

[5] Chii-Chang Chen, Hui-Wen Chuang, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, and Jen-Inn Chyi, "Conduction-band discontinuity of high indium composition InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures measured by optical pumping ", Proc. of Europe Material Research Society 2000, C-IV-6, Strasbourg, France.

[6] Chii-Chang Chen, Kun-Long Hsieh, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, Jen-Inn Chyi , Chin-An Chang, "Optical Pumping Spectra of InGaN/GaN Quantum Well", International Photonics Conference, HsinTsu, Taiwan, 2000.

[7] Yi-Ping Liang, Chii-Chang Chen, Jenq-Yang Chang, and Gou-Chung Chi, "Characteristics of Refractive Microlenses Fabricated by Melted Photoresist", International Photonics Conference, HsinTsu, Taiwan, 2000.

[8] Chii-Chang Chen, Kun-Long Hsieh, Gou-Chung Chi, Chang-Cheng Chuo, Jen-Inn Chyi, Chin-An Chang, "Thermal annealing effects on stimulated emission of high-indium-content InGaN/GaN single quantum well structure", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 2000.

[9] L.-Y. Chien, J. Y. Chen, C.-C. Chen, G.-C. Chi, J.-Y. Chang, " Fabrication and testing of diffractive microlenses with gray-scale mask", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 2000.

[10] Tao-Hung Hsueh, Chii-Chang Chen, Li-Shei Yeh, Chien-Chieh Lee, Gou-Chung Chi, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Chin-An Chang, "Piezoelectric field in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 2000.

[11] K. L. Hsieh, C. C. Chen, C. C. Lee, J. K. Sheu, G. C. Chi, C. C. Chuo, J. I. Chyi, C. A. Chang, "Spatially and spectrally resolved spectrum of GaN-based quantum well structures", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 2000.

[12] Chii-Chang Chen, Kun-Long Hsieh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Ming-Juinn Jou, Chih-Hao Lee, Ming-Zhe Lin, "Dependence of optical gain on direction of optically pumped cavity on (0001)-plane for InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure", Proc. of Europe Material Research Society 2001, H/PI.06, Strasbourg, France.

[13] Yi-Sheng Ting, Chii-Chang Chen, Gou-Chung Chi, Hui-Wen Chuang, Jian-Shihn Tsang, Cheng-Ta Kuo, Tapas Chini, Wen-Chung Tsai, Purushottam Chakraborty, Shu-Han Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, “Er diffusion into GaN”, OPT 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[14] François Bresson, Chii-Chang Chen, Yu-Weng Chen and Gou-Chung Chi, “3D photonic crystal built with BaTiO3 microspheres on a silicon”, OPT 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[15] Ya-Shih Huang, Chii-Chang Chen, Gou-Chung Chi, Jenq-Yang Chang, “Design of Off-axis Concave Micro-mirror”, OPT 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[16] Ming-Hung Li, Chii-Chang Chen, Gou-Chung Chi, Jiann-Heng Chen, Star R. Huang, “Proposal of a Novel Variable Optical Attenuator Structure”, OPT 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[17] Tao-Hung Hsueh, Chii-Chang Chen, Yi-Sheng Ting, Gou-Chung Chi, Chin-An Chang, S. C. Wang, “Effects of In and Ga Interdiffusion on the Optical Gain of InGaN/GaN Quantum Well”, OPT 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[18] Chii-Chang Chen, Kun-Long Hsieh, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Ming-Juinn Jou, Chih-Hao Lee, Ming-Zhe Lin, “Optical Gain of Optically Pumped Cavity on (0001)-plane for GaN-based Multiple Quantum Well Structures”, EDMS 2001, Kaohsung, Taiwan, 2001.

[19] François BRESSON, Chii-Chang CHEN, Chia-Szu FANG, Wen-Whi YU and Yu-Wen CHEN, Inclusion of controlled defect states in inverted opal-like photonic crystal of TiO2,” ICCT-2002, Taipei, 2002.

[20] Chii-Chang Chen, Chien-Chieh Lee, J. Y. Cheng, Y. L. Huang, Chih-Yang Chang, Ming-Hung Li, Ya-Shih Huang, Lin-Yu Chien, Jenq-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi, Wei-Tai Cheng, Jui-Hung Yeh, Chuck Wu, “Microlens and micromirror for optical MEMS fabricated by e-beam photolithography and ICP etching” OC2002, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 322, 2002.

[21] Chii-Chang Chen, François Bresson, Chien-Chieh Lee, J. Y. Cheng, Y. L. Huang, Chih-Yang Chang, Jenq-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi, Yu-Wen Chen, “Defect in 3-D photonic crystal formed by self-organization sedimentation” OC2002, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 71, 2002

[22]   Chii-Chang Chen, Ming-Hung Li, Chih-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi , Jenq-Yang Chang, Wei-Tai Cheng, Jui-Hung Yeh, Chuck Wu, “Fabrication of high-NA GaN diffractive microlenses”, Optical MEMS, Lugano, Switzerland, WP3, 2002.

[23] Chii-Chang Chen, Ming-Hung Li, Chih-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi, Jenq-Yang Chang, Wei-Tai Cheng, Jui-Hung Yeh, Chuck Wu, Toshiaki Ito,” GaN diffractive microlens” ODF 2002, Tokyo, Japan.

[24] Yi-Chih Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, C. C. Shih, P. W. Li, J. Y. Chang, “Design and fabrication of SOI-based AWG”, OPT 2002, Taipei, 2002.

[25] Hung-Da Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, “Beamsplitters using 2-dimensional photonic crystals”, OPT2002, Taipei, 2002.

[26] Ming-Hung Li, Chii-Chang Chen, Gou-Chung Chi, “The GaN diffractive microlenses,” OPT2002, Taipei, 2002.

[27] Ting-Yi Sheng, Chii-Chang Chen, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Gou-Chung Chi, Jung-Tsung Hsu, “Efficiency analysis of GaN-based LED with interdigitated mesa geometry”, IEDMS 2002, Taipei, 2002.

[28] Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic crystal related researches in National Central University”, Workshop on Advanced Photonic-crystal Devices, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Oct 18, 2003. (Invited)

[29] Chii-Chang Chen, H. D. Chien, P. C. Luan, Y. J. Chan, “2-dimensional photonic crystal beamsplitters, ” The 9th microoptics conference, Tokyo Japan, p. 70, 2003.

[30] Chii-Chang Chen, W. C. Ku, S. K. Chiu, C. M. Tzeng, “DNA hybridization acceleration by photovoltaic array“, The 9th microoptics conference, Tokyo Japan, p. 226, 2003.

[31] Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic crystal waveguide engineering, ” Workshop on Left-Handed Materials and Photonic Crystals, Jung-Li, Taiwan, 2003.(Invited)

[32] Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Chi Ku, Sung-Kay Chiu, Chi-Meng Tzeng, “DNA hybridization accelerated by photovoltaic array” CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[33] Chii-Chang Chen, Pi-Gang Luan, Jenq-Yang Chang, Hsiao-Wen Lee, “Design of omnidirectional reflector air-waveguide”, CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[34] Ya-Lun Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen, Chien-Chieh Lee, Jenq-Yang Chang, Gou-Chung Chi, “Proposal of a novel method for reduction of propagation loss of photonic crystal waveguides”, CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[35] C. C. Hou, M. H. Li, C. C. Chen, J. K. Sheu, J. Y. Chang, G. C. Chi, Chuck Wu, W. T. Cheng, J. H. Yeh , “GaN Diffractive Microlenses for UV Micro-Optics System”, CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[36] Chii-Chang Chen, Chih-Yu Chen, S. C. Yang, W. K. Wang, C. K. Lin, Yi-Jen Chan, “Wavelength division multiplexing for 1.3 and 1.55 micron by photonic crystal directional couplers“, CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[37] Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, Pi-Gang Luan,” Two-dimensional photonic crystal beamsplitters” , CLEO Pacific Rim, Tapei, Taiwan, 2003.

[38] Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Chi Ku, Sung-Kay Chiu, Chi-Meng Tzeng,DNA hybridization using photovoltaic microarray” Photonic West 2004, San José, U.S.A, 2004

[39] Chii-Chang Chen, Pi-Gang Luan, Jenq-Yang Chang, Hsiao-Wen Lee, “Air-waveguide using omnidirectional reflectors,” Photonic West 2004, San José, U.S.A, 2004.

[40] Photonic Crystals and applications,”Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2004, (Invited talk).

[41] Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Chi Ku, Sung-Kay Chiu, Chi-Meng Tzeng, “DNA hybridization using photovoltaic microarray,” Smart materials, nano-, and micro-smart systems, Sydney, Australia, 2004. (Invited Paper)

[42] Chia-Hua Chan, Chih-Kai Huang, Wei-Hsiang Weng, Hung-Sen Wei, Hui Chen, Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Chii-Chang Chen, Hsiang-Szu Chang, Wen-Yen Chen,Wen-Hao Chang, Tzu-Min Hsu, “Self-assembly photonic crystals from the air-liquid interface,” Smart materials, nano-, and micro-smart systems, Sydney, Australia, 2004.

[43] Chii-Chang Chen, Ya-Lun Tsai, Che-Lung Hsu, Jenq-Yang Chang,”Propagation loss reduction of photonic crystal slab waveguides by microspheres,” Smart materials, nano-, and micro-smart systems, Sydney, Australia, 2004.

[44]  Chii-Chang Chen, Chih-Yu Chen, Wen-Kai Wang, Fan-Hsiu Huang, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Wei-Yu Chiu, Yi-Jen Chan, “Photonic crystal directional couplers in nano-pillar array,” Photonic West 2005, San Jose, USA, 2005.

[45]   Chii-Chang Chen, Chih-Yu Chen, Wen-Kai Wang, Fan-Hsiu Huang, Cheng-Kuo Lin, Wei-Yu Chiu, Yi-Jen Chan, “Photonic crystal directional couplers in nano-pillar array,” European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, France, April, 2005.

[46] Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University,” Workshop on Global Perspectives in Frontiers of Photonics, Duke University, USA, May 18, 2005. (Invited speaker)

[47] Chii-Chang Chen, "Photonic Crsytal Research in National Central University,"Workshop on Photonic Crystals and Nano Photonics, National Taiwan University, Nov. 5, 2005. (Invited speaker)

[48] Chii-Chang Chen, "Photonic Crystal Research in National Central University,"2006 Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Hsintsu, Taiwan, Apr. 28, 2006. (Invited speaker)

[49] Chii-Chang Chen, T. Pertsch, R. Iliew, F. Lederer, A. Tünnermann, "Directional emission from photonic crystal waeguides," MOC 2006, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 12, 2006.

[50] Chii-Chang Chen, "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," 2007 Annual Meeting of PSROC, National Central University, Jung-Li, Taiwan, Jan 24, 2007. 

[51]Chii-Chang Chen, "Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," SPIE Optics & Photonics conference, San Diego, 2007. (Invited paper)

[52]Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, Chengkuo Lee, "Waveguide coupler formed by a Graded Photonic Crystal," Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) conference, San Diego, USA, March 26, 2009.

[53]Hua-Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen, "90o bent hollow waveguides formed by distributed Bragg reflector," Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) conference, San Diego, USA, March 26, 2009.

[54]Chii-Chang Chen, " Nanophotonic applications toward photonic microchip," 16th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2009), Hsintsu, Taiwan, Apr. 30, 2009. (Invited speaker)

[55]W. Y. Chiu, Y. H. Wu, Y. J. Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic Crystal Devices Integrated with Active Devices ,” Nanophotonics Down Under 2009 Devices and Applications, Melbourne Australia, June 21, 2009.

[56]Chia-Hua Chan, , Chii-Chang Chen, “Applications of microspheres on solar cell, OLEDs and GaN LEDs,” EMRS 2009, Strasbourg, France, June 8, 2009.

[57]W. Y. Chiu, Y. H. Wu, Y. J. Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, “ Integration of nano-optic and electronic and Devices,” EMRS 2009, Strasbourg, France, June 8, 2009.

[58]Shan-Ci Nian, Chung Hsing Chang, Hua Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen, “Analyzing the Mueller Matrix of hollow waveguide”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[59]Hua-Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen, "Wavelength selective filter based on hollow optical waveguide", OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[60]Yu-Chieh Cheng, Chii-Chang Chen, “Simulation of coupling efficiency of the parabolic adapter waveguide”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[61]yun-Hong Lu, Ya-Lun Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen, “Localization of electromagnetic wave with torus waveguide”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[62]Song-Lin Yang, Chii-Chang Chen, “Simulation of the arc waveguide formed by arrays of nanospheres”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[63]Dong-Po Cai, Yi Chun Chen, Ching Ting, G.W. Hwang, Chii-Chang Chen, “Using RCWA method to simulate the optical response of the patterned electrode on organic solar cells”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

[64]Chung-Chun Kuo, Chii-Chang Chen, Fu-Li Hsiao, ”Redirection of surface acoustic wave by the FDTD method”, OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009. 

[65]Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Yu Chiu, "Monolithic integration photonic crystal devices integrated with photodiodes," Photonic West 2010, San Francisco, USA, 23 - 28 Jan. 2010.

[66]Chii-Chang Chen, Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Guan-Ting Chen, Jen-Inn Chyi, "Applications of monolayer of microspheres on LEDs and solar cells," Photonic West 2010, San Francisco, USA, 23 - 28 Jan. 2010.

[67] Chii-Chang Chen, Wei-Yu Chiu, "Photonic crystal filter integrated with photodiodes," Photonic West 2010, San Francisco, USA, 23 - 28 Jan. 2010.

[68]W. Y. Chiu, Y. H. Wu, Y. J. Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic crystal filter integrated with photodiodes,” ECIO 2010, Cambridge, UK, April 2010.

[69]W. Y. Chiu, Y. H. Wu, Y. J. Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Hung-Ta Chien, Chii-Chang Chen, “Photonic crystal filter integrated with photodiodes,” JNOG 2010, Besançon, France, Oct. 22, 2010.

[70]Ya-Lun Tsai, Chii-Chang Chen, Ching-Yi Chen, and Jenq-Yang Chang "Donuts make confinement of electromagnetic waves ", The 5th International conference on Nanophotonics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 22-26 May, 2011.

[71]Dong-Po Cai, Shan-Chi Nien, Hua-Kung Chiu, Chii-Chang Chen and Chien-Chieh Lee, “Electrically tunable liquid crystal waveguide attenuators,” OECC 2011, Kaohsiung, 4-8 July 2011.

[72]G. T. Ayenew, M. Chakaroun, N. Fabre, J. Solard, A. Fischer, C.C.Chen, A. Boudrioua, C.H. Chan, “Photonic properties of two-dimensional photonic crystals based on monolayer of dielectric microspheres,” Photonics Europe (Belgium), Proc. SPIE 8424, 2012.

[73]Chii-Chang Chen, Siegfried Chicot, Alexis Fischer, Min Won Lee, Azzedine Boudrioua,"Amelioration d’efficacite d’ectraction d’OLED a nanostructures dans le substrat de verre," JNOG (France), 2012.

[74]Jyun-Hong Lu, Chii-Chang Chen, “Optimization of the photonic crystal fiber by using genetic algorithms,” Photonics Global Conference (Singapore), Dec, 2012.

[75]Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen and Chien-Chieh Lee, “Pulley-Type Ring Resonators,” 10th Chinese Optoelectronics conference, National Taiwan University, May 16th 2013.

[76] Chii-Chang Chen,“Some ideas on mobile phones, ” Trend on Next-Generation Display and Optical Technology, Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, June 18th , 2013.

[77]Getachew T. Ayenew, Anthony Coens,  Mahmoud Chakaroun, Jeanne Solard, Alexis P. A. Fischer, Chii-Chang Chen, Chia-Hua Chan, Azzedine Boudrioua, “Micro-OLED fabricated by microsphere based photolithography,” Optique Paris 2013 (France), 2013.

[78]Chii-Chang Chen, Dong-Po Cai, Chien-Chieh Lee, “Fine tune of pulley-type ring resonators,” META’15, (New York, USA), Aug. 4-7, 2015.

[79]Chii-Chang Chen, “Nano-magnetic Field Generated by Surface Plasmon Resonator,” OPAP, (Singapore), Jan 18, 2016. (Best Research Paper)

[80]Chii-Chang Chen, Ting-Yun Wu, Chia-Hua Chan, Ko-Ting Cheng, “Polymer disperse liquid crystal display using metallic doping nanospheres,” Nanomaterials, (Dubai), April 20-24, 2016.

[81]Shih-Ya Lin, Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen, "Nano-magnetic-field Generator Using Surface Plasmon Polaritons," OMN 2016 (Singapore), 31 July-4 Aug. 2016.

[82]Chii-Chang Chen, "Nanophotonics for LEDs and optical communications", UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia, 30 August-2 September 2016. (Invited Speaker)

[83]Chii-Chang Chen, “Integration of Photonic Crystal Devices,” International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics, Rome , Italy, 26-29 Sep. 2017.

[84]Shih-Ya Lin, Dong-Po Cai, Chii-Chang Chen*, “Nano-magnetic-field Generator,” EUROPT(R)ODE XIV, Naples. Italy, 25-28 March, 2018.

[85]Chii-Chang Chen*, Tian-You Cheng, Ching-Chuan Liu, and Da-Ya Chou, “Biomimetic Neuromorphic Optical Computing,” 2018 The 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular System (IEEE NEMS 2018), Singapore, 21-24 April, 2018.

[86]Yu-Jhen You, Chii-Chang Chen, “Grating Profile Generation using Artificial Intelligence,” OPTIC, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 6-8, 2018.

[87]Chii-Chang Chen*, Yu-Chieh Cheng, Ya-Ru Chang, Bo-Zhi Huang, Yu-Ching Chuang, "Plasmonic curved waveguide sensor with ultrabroad detection range"18th Edition of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain, 2019.

[88] Ya-Fan Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, “Nano-optics Neural Networks,” Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 23-25, 2019.

[89] Chii-Chang Chen, Yu-Chieh Cheng, Ya-Ru Chang, Bo-Zhi Huang, Yu-Ching Chuang,” Plasmonic curved waveguide sensor with ultrabroad detection range,” 18th Edition of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Material Science and Nanotechnology 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 28-29 Jan. 2019.

[90] Ya-Fan Chen, Yu-Tung Lin, Chii-Chang Chen, "Neural networks using nano-optic components," OPTIC, Taiwan, 2019.

[91] Ching-Pao Sun, Ching-Chuan Liu, Ya-Fan Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, "Optical OR Logic Gate," OPTIC, Taiwan, 2019.

[92] Ya-Fan Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, "Nano-optics Neural Networks," Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, , National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2019.

[93] Ching-Pao Sun, Chii-Chang Chen "OR Gate formed by optical neurons," Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, , National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2019.

[94] Yueh-Heng Lu, Chii-Chang Chen, "Logic Gates formed by Optical Neurons," OPTIC, Taiwan, 2020.

[95] Chu-En Lin, Ching-Pao Sun, and Chii-Chang Chen,"Design of an optical neural network to form a logic XOR gate with supervised learning method," OPTIC, Taiwan, 2021.

[96] Wei Chih Lin, Kuan Cheng Su, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Chii-Chang Chen, "Measurement of Guitar Timbre Using Laser Displacement Sensor with Nanometer Precision," OPTIC, Taiwan, 2021.

[97] Chu-En Lin, Ching-Pao Sun, Chii-Chang Chen, "Comparison between the Interconnection and Self-connection Optical Neural Networks on the Application of AND and OR Logic Gates," Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, 2022.

[98] Li-Ying Liu, Hong-Chang Huang, Chu-Wen Chen, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Nanostructured Reflective Polarization Converter," OPTIC 2022, Taiwan, 2022.

[99] Pin-duan Huang, Ruey-Yi Wei, Chih-Wei Huang, Chii-Chang Chen, Tsung-Hsun Yang, Yeh-Wei Yu, Ching-Cherng Sun, "Study of the high-speed imaging communication system," SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 San Diego, California, United States, 2023.

[100] Yung-Chun Hsu,Guan-Yi Lin,Chii-Chang Chen*,"Periodic Square Donuts Waveguides,"OPTIC 2023, Tainan, Taiwan, 2023.

[101] Chii-Chang Chen, Li-Yu Chen; Yi-Chun Chen, "Brain assisted artificial intelligence," 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Applied System Innovation , Kyoto, Japan, 17-21 April 2024.

[102] Chii-Chang Chen, "Design of memory based on electro-optical NAND gates", The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors and The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Aug. 1. 2024.

[103] Guan-You Lu, Cheng-Hsiang Li, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Lithium niobate-based polarization convertor," IEDMS&SNDCT 2024.

[104] Da-Yo Ni, Meng-Ting Zhou, Chii-Chang Chen*, "Phase modulation of light by light," IEDMS&SNDCT 2024.

[105] Nicolas Drouet, Chii-Chang Chen. Etude de cas sur la création théâtrale IA《i-bridités》. in Evolution de l’IA culturelle : Ateliers d’ingénierie culturelle franco-taiwanaise. 2024. Taipei.

[106] Nicolas Drouet, Chii-Chang Chen, IA, français et art optique : création d'une pièce de théâtre, in 4ème Rencontre pédagogique en Asie-Pacifique. 2024: Taipei. (invited talk)



[1]     Pi-Gang Luan欒丕綱, Chii-Chang Chen陳啟昌, “光子晶體 Photonic Crystals,” Wu-Nan culture enterprise, (ISBN 957-11-4027-9), 2010.10. (in chinese)

[2]Chapter 16 “Photonic Crystals“and Chapter 20 “Optical Communications“ in Book “光電科技概論Introduction of Optics and Photonics,“, Wu-Nan culture enterprise, (ISBN 978-957-11-5305-6) 2008.9. (in Chinese)

[3] Editor-in-Chief: Chii-Chang Chen, “Appointment for Excellence-Forum for Classification of Universities in Taiwan預約百年卓越-臺灣高等教育論壇談大學之分類,” Publication Center of National Central University, ISBN:978-986-827-091-6, 2008. (in Chinese)


[4]Chapter “ Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled Fluorescence Fiber Optic Based Biosensing. (Chien Chou, Ja-An Annie Ho, Chii-Chang Chen, Ming-Yaw, Wei-Chih Liu, Ying-Feng Chang, Chen Fu, Si-Han Chen and Ting-Yang Kuo) in Book “ Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence,“, edited by Prof. Geddes, Wiley, (ISBN 0-470-22838-5) 2010.6.




[1] Chii-Chang Chen, Hung-Ta Chien, Pi-Gang Luan, "Beamsplitter Utilizing A Periodic Dielectric Structure," US patent: 6,879,432B1, 2004.

[2] Shih Shian Ho何世賢, Hung Yin Tsai蔡宏營, Chia Jen Ting丁嘉仁, Chun Fa Lan藍春發, Chii-Chang Chen, 陳啟昌Method for manufacturing bonded wafer with ultra-thin single crystal ferroelectricity film超薄單晶鐵電膜之複合晶圓製作方法, R.O.C. patent, I235412, 2005.

[3] Jenq Yang Chang張正陽, Chao Chia Cheng鄭邵家, Li Wei Gong龔立偉, Hsiao Chin Lan藍孝晉, Neng Fang Yu余能枋, Chih Ming Wang王智明, Chii Chang Chen陳啟昌,  Free space grating wavelength division multiplexer自由空間光柵波長多工器, R.O.C. patent, I243921, 2005.

[4] Chii Chang Chen陳啟昌, Shih Shou Lo羅仕守, Jenq Yang Chang張正陽,  Hsiao Wen Lee李孝文, Air waveguide and fabricating method thereof空氣式光波導及其製造方法, R.O.C. patent, I246611, 2006.

[5] Shih-Shou Lo, Chii-Chang Chen, “Hollow optical waveguide by omni-directional reflectors,” US patent: 7,239,786B2, 2007.

[6] Chii-Chang Chen陳啟昌, Fu-Li Hsiao蕭輔力, Jenq-Yang Chang張正陽, Variable optical attenuator and fabrication method thereof可調式光衰減器及其製造方法, R.O.C. patent, I292063, 2008.

[7] Shih-Shian Ho, Hung-Yin Tsai, Chia-Jen Ting, Chii-Chang Chen, “Method for manufacturing bonded wafer with ultra-thin singe crystal ferroelectric film,” US patent: 7,329,364 B2. Feb 12, 2008.

[8] Chii-Chang Chen, Ya-Lun Tsai, Ching-Yi Chen, Jenq-Yang Chang, “Method of fabricating hollow waveguide having cyclic geometric structure,” US patent: 7,780,863 B2, Aug. 24, 2010.

[9] Chii-Chang Chen陳啟昌Ya-Lun Tsai,蔡雅倫, Chin-Yi Chen陳靜誼, Jenq-Yang Chang張正陽 “Method for fabicating distributed bragg reflector waveguide以週期性多邊形及圓形柱結構形成中空型波導之方法,” R.O.C. patent, I333713, 2010.

[10] Chii-Chang Chen, Hua-Kang Chu, “Method for fabicating distributed bragg reflector waveguide,” US patent: 7,783,151 B2, Aug. 24, 2010.

[11] Shih-Peng Chen, Chia-Hua Chan, Horng-Jou Wang, Ching-Liang Lin, Chii-Chang Chen, Cheng-Yi Liu, Huang-Kun Chen, “Light-emitting diode apparatus and manufacturing method thereof,” US patent: 8,017,962, September 13, 2011.

[12] Kuei-Chu Hsu, Chii-Chang Chen, Chia-Hua Chan, Yin-Chieh Lai, ” Displacement measurement system and method thereof,” US patent: 8,089,631, January 3, 2012.

[13] Shih-Peng Chen, Chia-Hua Chan, Horng-Jou Wang, Ching-Liang Lin, Chii-Chang Chen, Cheng-Yi Liu, Huang-Kun Chen, “Light-emitting diode apparatus and manufacturing method thereof,” US patent: 8,153,461, April 10, 2012.

[14] 陳世鵬 Chen, Shih Peng, 詹佳樺 Chan Chia Hua, 王宏洲 Wang Horng Jou, 林京亮 Lin Ching Liang, 陳啟昌 Chen Chii-Chang, 劉正毓 Liu Cheng Yi, 陳煌坤 Chen Huang Kun, 發光二極體裝置及其製造方法, R.O.C. patent, I363435, 2012.

[15] Chia-Hua Chan, Chia-Hung Hou, Tsing-Jen Chen, Chii-Chang Chen, “Method for preparing patterned substrate by using nano- or micro-particles,” US patent: 8,367,446, Feb. 5, 2013.

[16] 陳啟昌Chen Chii-Chang, 邱華恭Chiu, Hua-Kung, 分佈式布拉格反射鏡波導及其製造方法( DISTRIBUTED BRAGG REFLECTOR WAVEGUIDE AND FABRICATING METHOD THEREOF ) R.O.C. patent, I 390263, 2013.

[17] 徐桂珠Hsu, Kuei Chu, 陳啟昌Chen Chii-Chang, 詹佳樺Chan Chia Hua, 賴暎杰Lai, Yin Chieh, 位移量測系統及其方法( DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD THEREOF ) R.O.C. patent, I 390184, 2013.

[18] Chang; Sheng Hsiung, Liu; Ren-Young, Chen; Chii-Chang, Tai; Chao-Yi, "Recovering a rare-earth-doped optical fiber under irradiation," US paternt: 10177523, January 08, 2019.

[19] 鍾宏彬CHUNG, HUNG-PIN 、謝清祿HSIEH, CHING-LU、張勝涵CHANG, SHENG-HAN、陳啟昌 CHEN, CHII-CHANG 、陳彥宏 CHEN, YEN-HUNG、劉正彥 LIU, JANN-YENQ,積體化光晶片模組及多軸光纖感測器,R.O.C. patent, I795024, 2023.

[20] 鍾宏彬CHUNG, HUNG-PIN 、謝清祿HSIEH, CHING-LU、張勝涵CHANG, SHENG-HAN、陳啟昌 CHEN, CHII-CHANG 、陳彥宏 CHEN, YEN-HUNG、劉正彥 LIU, JANN-YENQ,球型多軸光纖感測裝置、其組裝方法與使用其的可動裝置,R.O.C. patent, I801250, 2023.

[21] Hung-Pin Chung, Ching-Lu Hsieh, Sheng-Han Chang , Chii-Chang Chen, Yen-Hung Chen, Jann-Yenq Liu, Spherical multi-axis optical fiber sensing device, assembling method and moveable device, US patent: 20230384098, November 30, 2023.

[22]鍾宏彬CHUNG, HUNG-PIN;蕭博文SHIAU, BOR-WEN;張勝涵CHANG, SHENG-HAN;陳啟昌CHEN, CHII-CHANG;陳彥宏CHEN, YEN-HUNG;劉正彥LIU, JANN-YENQ, "光電感測系統與其反饋模組," R.O.C. patent, R.O.C. I843111, 2024.

[23]Hung-Pin Chung, Bor-Wen Shiau , Sheng-Han Chang , Chii-Chang Chen, Yen-Hung Chen, Jann-Yenq Liu "Photoelectric sensing system and feedback module," US patent: 12072189, August 27, 2024.



[1] 陳啟昌, “在法國街頭賣藝,” 中央日報海外版, 中華民國八十五年四月十八日, 第六版.

[2] 陳啟昌, “再談「無知與驕傲」,” 中央日報海外版, 中華民國八十五年一月二十日, 第六版.

[3] 陳啟昌, “逐夢法國,” 擎松出版社, (ISBN 986-74790-3-3), 2004.


特技表演 (with my guitar, Jose Ramirez 3E, bought in Madrid)暨

聲學 Phononics in Youtube

楊柳 (呂昭炫) played on Aug. 7, 2008            



土耳其進行曲 (Turkish March-Alla Turca, Mozart) played on Aug. 8, 2008

傳說  (Asturias, Issac Albeniz)  played on Aug. 8, 2008